Last night I watched Hillary Clinton's speech at the Democratic National Convention. I have to tell you, if I didn't know any better I would have thought she was the presumptive nominee for President. She not only sounded Presidential but she looked Presidential. From her suit, posture, her walk, tone of voice, and her words, she wore the role like it was natural to her. It makes me wonder why she isn't the nominee. Well I'm pretty sure her supporters have asked that question a million times. With so many people watching and listening, this is probably the most important speech she will ever give. So much was riding on what she said. I think her words got through to many of her angry supporters. While a few are still on the fence or being courted by the Republicans.
Hillary Clinton was greeted by a standing ovation. She not only energized but she laid the case out on the table why you should vote with her for Obama for President and not McCain. I think that it is remarkable, just simply amazing that this woman is so gracious having lost the chance at the world's most powerful job, to lend her support to her former rival. She put it all out there on the line for him, and she came through big time. I'd definitely say that Sen. Obama owes here a favor or two. Perhaps Attorney General or Secretary of State now that VP is filled???
Only time will tell whether Barrack Obama's choice in a running mate was a mistake. Sen. Biden is a distinguished statesman, and I'm sure he has all the right qualifications, but he's no Hillary Clinton. And that's biggest thing this campaign has to over come fast to stay a float. It's day three at the DNC convention and we get to hear from Sen. Biden. Over the coming weeks we are going to know more than we wanted about him, his wife and kids. I guess in the back of my mind I will always wonder What if....
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