Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin won the Republican VeepsStakes. The Gov. Appeared with John McCain at a press conference earlier today.
In what I can only characterize as a near upstage to Barrack Obama’s nomination last night, Sen. John McCain has tapped Alaska’s Governor, Sarah Palin to be his Vice Presidential running mate. Gov. Palin is a 44 year old mother of five, one of whom has Down syndrome. The Governor is considered a fiscal conservative, and a political outsider. She is the youngest Governor in Alaska’s history.
It’s more than obvious that McCain wants to use Gov. Palin’s naming as his running mate to reach those angry Hillary Clinton supporters who have vowed not to vote for Sen. Obama. It’s a gutsy and very bold and smart move for Sen. McMcain. I don’t think he will be able to lure many Clinton supporters. Gov Palin and Sen. Clinton have totally different values. Gov. Palin is Pro-life and has a lifetime membership with National Rifle Association.
The next hurdle John McCain will have to overcome is the lack of experience Gov. Palin has in office. She is only in her first term as Governor. Are people really going to be comfortable having a VP, with very little experience within reach of the Presidency? McCain will have to work overtime spinning the Governors lack of experience versus all the benefits she brings to the campaign.
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