I thought the beginning of her speech was the most important. Basically it was a formal introduction of her husband and children. We know more about her commitment to her family. It’s what the whole country in a sense has been waiting to her about. She asked how dare the left question her parenting skills. She said that if elected, parents and families of special needs children could trust that they would have an advocate in the White House.
She made it clear she wasn’t part of the Washington political establishment. That the same people who tried to derail Sen. McCain in 2000 was also trying to cast doubt about her. She presented a pretty strong case of why she is the VP nominee. She fought corruption in her state of Alaska. She was able to get ethics laws passed into law. Rudy Giuliani talked about her experience as a mayor and governor being more that that of Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Bidden together. I don’t know if you can fairly say that. Sen. Bidden has been in Washington a while now. She also blasted Sen. Obama for not being able to make lead in crisis and his lack of significant legislation.
The Governor spoke of John McCain being a prisoner of war. She talked about his character and leadership during those dark times of his captivity. The sacrifice he made for his country. Her speech showed us how much she respected him as a leader. She talked of the need to move this country from its dependence on foreign oil and the development of alternate energy sources. All excellent points I think on ways to lift the huge financial costs off the shoulders of the American people.
Tonight if there was any question whether this “Hockey Mom” was a good choice for a running mate, it’s been answered. She showed us she can handle what her critics throw at her and she can fight back. She has energized John McCain’s campaign, exactly what they needed to do at this point. They have opened a door that Sen. Obama in a way closed when he passed Hillary Clinton over as his running mate. Gov. Palin just may be able to pull in those undecided Clinton voters. These are exciting times for both parties. Both the Democrats and Republicans are making history now. I really can’t wait to see what happens next.
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