It’s been a week since the start of the new law and still no public gun fights. I don’t think we are no less safe than we were a month ago… criminals don’t advertise that they are carrying guns or knives. People with concealed permits are just they same. You still don’t know whose carrying and whose not. One difference is, if something does happen especially on public transportation and parks, there is a chance someone is around with the firepower to stop an assailant.
The new law comes just as the U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of gun rights for home owners. As someone that’s been on the business end of a gun, I know I would rather have a permit and carry a gun, even if I never use it. But I would rather not be in a situation where I needed it and didn’t have it. This law isn’t going to cause people to go out and buy a gun just like that. All it does is extends more freedom to carry a weapon to those people who already follow the law. No law is going to stop people who are intent on breaking the law. This law helps the law abiding citizen and not the criminals. I’ve always said this and I will continue to say it, “guns don’t kill people, people with guns kill people.” Blame the person and not the instrument they used.
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